Monday, May 01, 2006

Every time I think "OH, I'm doing well!" I come crashing back down to earth in tiny broken pieces.

I went to the hospital this morning for blood tests. Getting blood from me isn't easy. Apparently I have thin blood vessels??? Anyway, I always tell them beforehand that it's difficult and they always act like 'yeah right, that's what everyone says.' Then they have to stick more than once because the first one never works, or only works for about half of a vile of blood.

Back to the crashing...
After the blood tests I went to the grocery store. Now, during my whole pregnancy I craved peaches. Nice, juicy, fresh peaches. Unfortunately they weren't in season and I never got to enjoy a peach while pregnant. So I walk into the grocery store, I see a tray of apples (that look a bit like peaches from a distance) and I started crying because I thought "Poor little Ricky really wanted to have a peach and never got one." I was able to pull myself together and continue with the shopping. I did alright for the next 10 minutes, until I was on the other side of the store, although I was still feeling quite sad and emotional. Of course, it couldn't be ANY other way, a very pregnant and glowing woman walked right by me. I burst into tears.... Literally. I'm sure she thought that I was a total nut case, she kind of just walked very quickly past me and then Erik was there behind me, whispering in my ear that it was ok and picking up all of the pieces of me so that we can start gluing them all back together again.

1 comment:

Tera said...

I am so glad you have Erik...he sure is doing a great job. But so are you Lisa. Don't be too hard on least you were out in the grocery store, and not stuck at home hiding away from the world. You are a strong woman and you will survive. I have faith in you.