Monday, April 17, 2006

Yesterday, for about half of the day, I was alright. I didn't cry first thing when I woke up. I didn't feel the need to take the meds that the Dr. gave me (anti-anxiety/ valium type meds) I sat with my husband and we talked about Ricky without overwhelming sadness in my heart. I think I even laughed a few times. Then the whole world just started cracking again.

Today.... well.... today is just horrible. I keep thinking about last monday, when I was still living in blessed ignorance of what was about to happen. Last monday I totally ignored the things that 'should' be done (like cleaning the house and all that) and I spent the whole day doing 'baby' stuff. I turned on the radio instead of the tv because I wanted to sing to my little one. I chatted with other mamma's to be on the net about our hopes and dreams and fears. I searched the internet for the things I wanted to buy and the nursery furniture. I was just so happy and giddy and excited.

I can't believe how quickly everything changes. I have no idea what to do with myself anymore.

I also find myself getting SO angry. I'm not used to being angry, it's just really not in my nature to be angry and it feels uncomfortable, but I just can't help it. When people label what I went through as 'late miscarriage' I just want to rip out their hearts. I don't know how to explain that. I guess I just wish that people understood one thing..... I actually had to go though the process of labour and delivery, and the child that came from my womb, although tiny, was a perfect tiny little human being, with ten fingers and ten toes. I had seen his heart beating on the u/s photos.... I even saw that he had a tiny little brain in there.

Everyone keeps saying that things will get better. Sometimes I actually believe that, sometimes, like yesterday, I actually FELT that way. But now today I'm sitting here and I just can't IMAGINE how things will ever feel better. I miss my son. I want him cuddled safe and sound in my belly again.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for how much you are hurting right now. I hugged my boys extra tight as you asked and had a good cry. Just know that I love you and am always here if you need me. I'll keep you and Erik in my thoughts.

I found this saying and thought it was really special. I hope it will bring you comfort as you grieve for your little Ricky.

'An angel in the book of life
Wrote down an infant's birth
and mentioned as he closed the book
.........too beautiful for earth'

Love, Tera

Joanne said...

Anger is the most natural feeling you can have at this time in your life - anger voices our pain and limitations

people do not know how to deal with other people's losses - they don't know what to say - never understanding that saying nothing and listening and crying with the person is really the best thing they can do

i'm crying with you baby...sobbing because i cannot be there to hold you and let you know how much i'm pained for you and erik....

i love you guys