Friday, June 30, 2006

Well, I took a big step today. I finally went to my family dr. to talk to him about all of this stuff. I haven't been dealing very well lately. I'm angry, I'm scattered, I'm sad, I can't focus, I always feel like I'm an inch away from being in a complete panic.

So the first challenge at my Dr's office was that the waiting room was just FILLED with children, babies, and pregnant women! Usually when I go there the waiting room is filled with older people. NO NO, NOT today! *I* was going there today, so today HAD to be the day that every child in the world had a sniffle. (Well, at least that's how it felt.) A little girl, probably about 4 years old actually said to her mom, "Mama... it's so sad, she misses her baby," and then pointed to me! Children really must see a world that we do not.. it's strange isn't it?

Anyway, by the time I made it to his office I was a TOTAL wreck. I was shaking and I had that stinging feeling of tears right behind my eyes. I probably looked like I was having a nervous breakdown, and who knows, maybe I was.

We talked for awhile and I told him how I was feeling. He suggested that I should go to see a psychologist, and probably that is the best thing for me to do. There is a 6 week waiting list to get into the psychologist, but with one phone call my Dr. was able to get me an appointment for Monday morning. He was worried that if I didn't have an outlet soon that I would slip into a much more severe depression and thought that my situation could be classified as an 'emergency' situation.

I feel relieved to be going really. I have to admit though, I'm pretty terrified at the same time. I guess I just don't like to thought of opening up, face to face, with a complete stranger. Or maybe it doesn't have anything to do with the 'stranger' part. Maybe I'm afraid of totally opening up because I'm afraid of what I'll find there. Afraid of the things that I may actually be trying to hide from myself. Knowledge is always power though, even when we learn things that we'd rather not know. I've always been the kind of person who would rather know that not know in all situations, so maybe there are some things inside of me that I really do need to get out in the open.


Anonymous said...

You have already shown such courage and strength to talk with your doctor and get the referral.

I agree that so many children and often the elderly can see us and our situations so clearly. They take the time to enjoy the world and the wonder that it presents, both the good and the not so good. Hopefully talking with a professional will help you find that place that lets you be childlike, free from the fear and pain.
I know you will find calm and happiness, but it often comes at a big cost...getting to really know ourselves on such a different level. Don't let that stop you from being open and honest with the stranger as you described the psychologist.
I can not say that I know your feelings after losing your first baby, but I can say that after several late miscarriages/stillbirth I did have similar feelings of panic and sadness. I am not nearly as strong as the woman who writes her journey but I did heal and believe that you too can and will. I will only leave you again with what has helped me...I do not look for an answer to the BAD that happened, I try to focus on the fact that BAD things do happen...not because of what we did or who we are...
Please take care of yourself and we are thinking of you
lots of hugs...

JAC said...


Thank you for your posting. I am feeling lost right now and I needed to "hear your voice" per se. I am so thankful for the courage God has put in you to make this journey to the next step of self awareness. I wish you the best in this journey you are about to embark upon. I pray that the discoveries you make along the way empower you.

I send you hugs. Thank you for everything. JAC

Tera said...


I'm so proud of you. What a huge step to make, to open yourself up to other people and the pain and admit that you need help. Your time is coming my dear friend. Time for peace and forgiveness and already have so much love...look around you, and here on the blog as well. I believe in you, and I know you will be fine.

Thinking of you as always,