Tuesday, May 09, 2006

She's BAaaaaaaaaaaaaCkk! AF has arrived! (If you don't know what AF means then you are probably a guy, and if you are a guy then you probably don't WANT to know what it means so you should just skip this post :P)

I never thought I could be so happy to see that cranky ole girl, but I am SO happy to see her. It makes me feel normal and hopeful. It makes me feel like I've been given permission to move on, even if only a little bit. HORRAYYY for Auntie Flo!!

1 comment:

Tera said...

HAHAHA...this SO made me smile! ThaNks, I needed it today! i'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU lIS! Now maybe some of those hormones can get abck to normal and help you out just a little. I'm praying for you girlfriend! And CONGRATS!