Friday, May 12, 2006

Sympathy cards- I'm drowning in them. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's really kind that people send them to me, I'm just so tired of having reason for people to send me sympathy cards. I have a huge pile that we received after losing Erik's mom, and another huge pile we received after losing Ricky. Today in the mail there was one from our Vet wishing us strength while dealing with the loss of our pet, Lucy. It was enough to send me over the edge for a little while. It was enough to open up the flood gates and send me to the place of the 'ugly cry' for awhile. I feel like I can't breathe, like I don't even want to breathe anymore. I'm paranoid about what's coming next. I've always tried to be positive, but I feel like I can't keep setting myself up anymore. Every time I start believing that I'm going to be alright I get another kick in the stomache. I know that there are so many people in the world who have been through worse than this, but they must be stronger people than I am because for me it's just enough. I can't take anymore, I'm not even sure I can take what I already have.


Anonymous said...


It's JC. Thank you so much for allowing me to post comments of encouragement for you.

Today is rainy where I am and it seems to be raining on you too. Sigh.

So words continue to escape me in my plight to help lift you up. I will never say I understand what you are going through because I don't. I can only offer my compassion for your grief because I am all too familiar with that due to other reasons.

Your emotions are very valid, very natural, and most likely very necessary as you heal. I have gotten to the point in my life where I feel like I must be training for something really huge. Do you feel that way at times? I want to scream if people give me that "I'm so sorry" look again or squeeze my hand as if they think they know what is going through my heart. I sense you have moments like those too. For that, I wish peace just to wash over you.

Again, I feel rotten that I have little to bring to you. I have asked God to carry you. I have no promises to offer you although time is the greatest tool for my healing process. It is getting better for me and I will meditate on this for you.

May God's embrace hold you tight and Ricky's precious wings brush the tears on your cheeks away.

With compassion, JC

Tera said...


Nobody can put it more eloquently than JC has in his/her message above. I'm thinking of you and hoping that time will heal. Just know that I care.


MsYennis said...

JC- Thank you so much for your kind words. Your words bring me strength, courage, and faith, all of which I feel I've been lacking lately. I do feel like I am sometimes being trained for something (and to be honest, in my really dark hours I sometimes feel as if I'm being punished for something, but I don't really believe in my heart that it is truth.) I know that we have never met, but I feel in you a kindred spirit. Know that you are in my prayers, and thank you for the peace that your comments bring to me.

Tera- I just want to say I LOVE YOU!! I am truely blessed to have found a friend like you. Your wisdom and grace astound me.