Friday, March 31, 2006

I felt my baby for the first time today!!! It was such a beautiful feeling, and totally unexpected because the ultrasound tech said my placenta was on the front and I probably wouldn't feel anything until much later than other women due at the same time as me. Well, it's quite early really, 15 weeks and 1 day today... but there is NO mistaking that feeling!! I thought that I'd felt jellybean earlier, but that was just gas bubbles hehehehe. It's actually a similar feeling, but in very different parts of the body. Today's movement- DEFINATLY in my uterus. I woke up, I said "Good morning baby, how are you this morning?" and then 'flutter, flutter, twist, twist, flutter' So I said "WHOA! What are you doing in there?" and again he responded with a flutter. Everytime he stopped I would just talk again and for about 30 minutes it went on and on. I'm so happy and so excited. So far the pregnancy has been anything but easy. Those sweet little butterfly flutters made it worth all of this horrible sickness that I've had.

Erik's mom passed away last week, and things have just been sad here, you know?? It's so nice to feel this kind of joy, well, I was going to say again, but to be honest, it's the first time I've ever felt THIS kind of joy.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I'm so excited for you.

I am soo sad for Erik. My love and prayers and thoughts are with you both for the baby and Erik.
