Thursday, February 16, 2006

I've been so down the past few days. I didn't really expect this I guess... I mean, it makes sense with all of the hormone stuff going on I guess. Also it's just been such a stressful week. I lost my job and my mother in law is really sick and in the hospital. I feel like a big whiner, but I just can't help it. I've been sitting here all day just crying and crying and there's just so much to do and I have absolutely no energy to do anything. Everyone keeps saying that things will be better in a few weeks. I hope so. I'm happy about this baby... REALLY happy about it, still I can't seem to dig myself out of this black hole that I'm in.

It will get better, right????

1 comment:

Joanne said...

oh hunny .... your emotions are already on a roller coaster ride and your chemicals are going crazy...the last thing you need is all this junk on you too...just know people love you and are praying for you ...
